服務信箱:www.wisinfo.com.tw 業務專線 8862- 8785-0039 轉 137 陳經理


Product Features : 
      <1> Optical waveguide technology
     <2> Low excess loss ( < 0.2dB )
     <3> Low polarization dependent loss ( < 0.2dB )
     <4> Good uniformity ( < 0.8dB )
     <5> Available with various coupling ratio
     <6> Excellent stability and reliability
Applications :
     <1> Long-haul telecommunications
     <2> Fiber-optic LAN Network
     <3> CATV


Ordering Optionel

Typical Specifica tions

Operating Wavelength 1310,1550,or others
Coupling 50 / 50 ( optional )
Port type 1x2,2x2 ( optional )
Insertion Loss ( dB )  < 3
Excess Loss ( dB )  < 0.1
Uniformity ( dB )  < 0.6
Polarzation Dependent Loss (dB) )  < 0.15
Directivity ( dB )  > 55
Operating Temperature ( )  - 40 ~ 75
Pigtail Longth ( m )  1  ( optional )
Connector  FC,SC ( optional )
<1>   Operatinh Wavelength ( nm ) : 1310 , 1550 , or others.
<2>   Coupling Ratio : 50 / 50 , 40 / 60 , 30 / 70 , 20 / 80 , 10 / 90 , 5 / 95 , 1 / 99 , or others ( x % ).
<3>   Counector : FC , SC , or others.
<4>   Other specs can be specified.